Saturday 10 December 2011

Christmas shopping chaos

Today was my first day off. Since I hardly know anyone in London and the few friends I have were busy today I decided to do some Christmas shopping by myself. So I went to Oxford street, probably the busiest place in the world to go shopping 2 weeks before Christmas. The streets were packed with people, singing elves, Santas,and even an odd storm trooper.

After some heavy shopping I rewarded myself with a M&S sandwich and a gingerbread latte... yummy but not as nice as sharing it with a friend. Walking around, looking at all the people, I wondered how friends are made. Could I just go up and start talking to any random person? I didn't try, instead I decided I will make loads of friends at Hillsong Church tomorrow. I look forward to spending Christmas with my relatives. A life without friends and family isn't much of a life I reckon.

Walking down the busy street with all my shopping bags my Primark paper bag couldn't take the pressure any longer and suddenly tore, scattering my things over the pavement. Embarrassing! But then again I hardly know anyone here. Trying to stay dignified I calmly picked it all up and kept walking.
Trafalgar square is one of my favorite places in London so far so I went there for a rest but the place was swarming with Santas! It seemed to be some great Santa reunion organized through facebook and wasn't the best place to relax. In the end I crammed all my shopping onto a bus and went back. Big cities are exciting but tiring and London is a BIG city.


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