Tuesday 7 February 2012

More from me

Hi everyone! Long time you no hear from me, so I have lots to tell you from the exciting life of being an au-pair. Well, you know, hopefully its interesting for you too.

On Friday afternoon we all got packed and bundled into the family's Range Rover for a weekend out in the country visiting relatives. We arrived at the house two and a half hours later and were met by the friendly butler. Seeing how a country house like that is kept was a new expereince for me. After leaving your bedroom in the morning, you can expect the bed to be nicely made for you on your return, the meals were all delicious, made by a talented chef, and everything was done just right and almost always by someone else.

I got to hang out with the two year old a lot this weekend who is such a sweet girl and fun company. We were bumping down the stairs on our bottoms, discussing what dolly was having for lunch and forever asking "do you need to do one on the loo yet?". I call her "Bumblebee" and she calls me "Hannah Panna".

Sunday morning we woke to a beautiful blanket of snow and I have to admit I was just as excited as the kids at the sight. We all had a disco in the 7 year old cousin's bedroom, breakdancing and spinning around at ten o'clock in the morning to Snoop dog and Rihanna. After another delicious lunch, finished off with a treacle tart , we packed everyone and everything into the car and headed back to London.
Yesterday was a pretty good Monday. Waiting for a friend at the tube station, I started talking to this guy from Texas who was also waiting for someone. We didn't say much before he found his friends and left. Then I had a nice lunch with two girls from YWAM that I know from Sweden and we caught up on all our news.
So today during my morning break I really felt like some alone time with my diary, a good book and a large decaf latte at Starbucks just to recharge and think some smart, deap thoughts. Who walks in? The Texas tube station guy from yesterday with a group of friends. We started talking again and turns out him and his friends are visiting from a Bible school in America and are connected with YWAM. I postponed my deap-thinking-alone time and joined in their conversations instead. It seems the world is a small place, either that or God just really enjoys connecting people for fun.

Been reading "The Screwtape letters" by C. S. Lewis lately, a great book written as letters from a demon to another about how to ruin people's lives. Sounds a bit strange I know but it is well worth reading. I just want to share a part I thought was really good;

"The man who truly and disinterestedly enjoys any one thing in the world, for its own sake, and without caring two-pence what other people say about it, is by that very fact forearmed against some of our subtlest modes of attack. You should always try to make the patient abandon the people or food or books he really likes in favour of the 'best' people, the 'right' food, the 'important' books. I have known a human defended from strong tempations to social ambition by a still stronger taste for tripe and onions."

What he is basically saying is to enjoy the things in life that you enjoy whenever you can. I like that. So now I'm leaving my computer to enjoy the rest of my afternoon off in sunny London. Cya!

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